The section herein contains Laine Co. privacy policy and its implications for business operations, customer interactions, and information management.

We acknowledge the security needs and concerns of our customers as represented by due diligence. Laine Co. has the necessary measures in place to guard your personal information and ensure that it remains safe, no matter what. In that, whether you choose to explore our website or buy products, our business is liable to maintain your information as ordained by established data and privacy laws.

We encourage you to read our privacy policy thoroughly before proceeding with any action on the website. You acknowledge that your continued usage of our platform qualifies as an agreement with all the clauses contained herein. We are not responsible for informing users of any changes in this section and hold the right to do so at our sole discretion. Verily, if, at any point, you disagree with our approach to online privacy, you may cease all interactions with

Personal Information

All the personal information related to an individual user is solely collected, processed, and stored for business purposes only. When users sign up for an account on our website, we gather data on their name, email address, contact number, location address, payment information, date of birth, device IP address, and more.

We also deploy cookies to ensure that users receive a seamless experience every time they visit our website. These small packets of data allow website visitors to pick up from where they left off on their previous visit. If you do not approve of or agree with this policy, please change your browser settings to disable cookies at once. However, please be aware that such an action may significantly degrade your online user experience.

Third-party Links

Laine Co. might feature various third-party links to other websites on its platform. These links are often placed for advertisement or affiliate purposes and do not serve, in any way, as encouragement or solicitation of the customer to click on them. If you choose to follow any third-party link outside our platform, you do so at your discretion knowing that Laine Co. has no connections with you and thus, no responsibility over the potential consequences of your action.

Disclosure of Data

We have strict policies surrounding data transfers and unless needed, your information will not be shared with any external parties. However, Laine Co. is a recognized entity operated under the law and it is incumbent upon us to comply with legislation. If need be, and required by law, we will share your information with designated authorities.

Similarly, in case of detected fraud from the customer’s end, we also hold the right to disclose information to relevant third parties for verification of data legitimacy.

Since we enable online payment gateways for secure order processing, your payment information is shared, partially, with the relevant organizations governing monetary transactions. In this case, the governing third party has its privacy policies that come into play.

Rest assured; your payment information is always safe on our website. We use and update our SSL certificate each year, which ensures that sensitive data is stored in encrypted form so no unauthorized parties can misuse it.

Marketing Communications

We do not forward any marketing communications to our customers without their consent. If you are currently receiving messages through any marketing channels, and wish for the activity to cease, please unsubscribe by contacting us via email or this website.